Bits and Pieces

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Wallpaper - It's That Time of Year Again

Well, it's that time of year again.  As soon as the Thanksgiving turkey went cold we began to gear up for Christmas, and right now in mid-December it's just unavoidable.  The stores are playing Christmas songs from dawn 'til dusk; Christmas trees are appearing in windows, and parents are going slowly insane trying to grab the perfect gifts for their kids.

One little tradition my son Adam and I have kept over the years is that, at the beginning of December, we switch to Christmas wallpaper on all of our computers.  My laptop currently has Rudolph's glowing nose poking out from behind the icons, and Adam's MacBook has Santa flying across the screen on his sleigh.

I stumbled on a site the other day that had a great idea, and I think a new tradition may be starting.  The site where I download my Christmas wallpaper also had a couple of personalized Christmas stories that can be downloaded and amended with your kid's name.  I grabbed a story about little Adam going on a Christmas based adventure and the little guy couldn't have loved it more.  Earlier today I grabbed the second story, a tale about making new friends at Christmas, and I predict tonight's story time will be just as popular as the last.

Merry Christmas, boys and girls!
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