Bits and Pieces

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friends or Keyword Research?

So it's December, the biggest month for online sales in the year, and it's time to clean up with the Amazon Associates program.  For the last few months I've been preparing Christmas gift related articles on my sites with Amazon links attached, and in the last couple of weeks they've begun to pay off.  In the last four days I've had over 30 sales through my sites, and though my internet marketing days are just beginning I'm already beginning to become addicted.  

One of the ways in which this new job has put a stake through the heart of my personal life jumped out at me last night.  My girlfriend and I had been for a nice farewell meal with an American friend of ours who's being deported from Mongolia next Tuesday (top tip: don't let your visa lapse in this country).  We'd been at the restaurant for a few hours having a great time, and Lou, the American, suggested we move of for more drinks and a bit of karaoke.

A few months ago this suggestion would have required no thought. Absolutely, I would have replied.  Let's go right now!  Last night, though, I ummed and ahhed for five minutes, trying in vain to think up a reasonable excuse as to why I couldn't go drinking with this friend who, it's more than likely, I'll never see again.

You see, what I really wanted to do was come home and play around with the Google keyword tool, attempting to find lucrative keywords for my new winterwear review site.  I wanted to leave a warm bar filled with friends to head home to a cold office and play on the computer.  How sad is that?

Well, not really that sad at all.  The missus and I are kind of running out of money and, as I'm here right now on a tourist visa, I can't legally take a job.  While it may seem a little pathetic to choose the Google keyword tool over a night with friends I'm actually doing the right thing, earning money so there can be many, many more nights with good food, good friends and good beer.  I'm giving up one night now for the sake of endless nights in the future. 

At least, that's what I told myself as I trudged home to the computer last night. 

Keep on truckin', Taylor.
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